Propose a workpackage > Read instructions first

The goal of this day is to help the coordinators to identify the workpackages that 1) have the greatest potential of pushing the scientific frontiers, 2) put forward the specificities of research in Bordeaux on the international scene, and 3) as far as possible involve an interdisciplinary approach (one good reason for attending the meeting is to join a workpackage you wouldn't have thought of or known of before, and WP leaders will be invited to welcome new contributions).

The next phase is to identify 1) the links between the proposed activities (as they should be integrated in a single proposal), 2) a few master ideas per challenge, 3) specific tasks (or workpackages) that should be defined as precisely as possible for the first four years (with ~3 M€ to allocate precisely in the first four years), and 4) an outline of the 8-year objectives for the most visionary proposals.

Please submit your revised workpackage here (login required, new template made available during submission) by February 7.

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